First release

First of all, welcome! The main idea behind this "living music" project was to overcome my musical procrastination and shyness and force me to finally show off! UP... I meant, up. The idea was to trick myself into releasing my recordings by branding them as drafts and working on them out in the open instead of waiting for that perfect version that would never come. And it seems that it worked, at least once.

Aftoi me phi handwritten lyrics

Introducing Loudovikos

The first release of living music is well... not really by Luiz Chamon. It just so happens that although "Luiz Chamon" could definitely write songs in Portuguese, English, and perhaps even French, it would be a bit odd for that guy to be singing in Greek. Enters Λουδοβίκος Χαμονάκης (Loudovikos Chamonakis)!

Λουδοβίκος being my Greek name has been a running joke for some while. And I guess my last name could've been Χαμονάκης if it were Cretan instead of Lebanese. Obviously, it's only meant to sound Greek. I could've picked an actual Greek name instead of a parody, but I guess it's in line with the broken Greek grammar, odd phrasing, and bad orthography with which Loudovikos writes. Still, I think it adds an air of legimitacy to the music.

Loudovikos' first story

Αφτοι με φι (which would translate to something like "thei with i") tells the oldest story in the world.

Boy meets girls.

They like each other.

They like the same things.

They live apart.

As the beginning of the song says, there's nothing unique about it: it happens every day. But that doesn't stop it from being special when it happens to YOU.

This song is the outcome of a challenge I set to myself when I started learning Greek. It's the result of a long weekend pouring over word and conjugation dictionaries with a little help from friends. It is not well written or correct in any way. And since Loudovikos just speaks really bad Greek, it made sense that the title is also obviously wrong. To be honest, I'm not sure Λουδοβίκος will ever manage to write a song in proper Greek (if he ever comes up with another one).

So there you go, Αφτοι με φι. Check it out and let me know what you think!